Infoc standards and regulations being sorted into Hogwarts houses seems silly, but it helps organize the way we think of them.
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Infosec Compliance Awareness Saves Lives from Wannacrys
Wannacry proves ransomware is here to stay. Infosec compliance awareness can save lives when thinking in terms of medical IoT.
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence in Security is Not The Terminator
Artificial intelligence in security brings images of The Terminator. However, the newest machine learning technologies can efficiently aid CISOs and CIOs in stopping hackers.
Read MoreHow to Become a Successful CISO
Being a successful CISO means more than implementing software. It crosses the technological, business, and social skills landscapes.
Read MoreWednesday’s Women in Infosec: Georgia Weidman
Georgia Weidman is one of the top women in infosec. Her startup Shevirah focuses on pen testing for mobile devices and is changing the face of security.
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